Power Series: Power of His Word

by Admin
“His Powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey.” (Hebrews 4:12 MSG)
The Word of God is powerful! His Word is life-giving and lively. That means it is a “now word” or a current word. Yes, it is true that the bible was written down thousands of years ago, but it has not lost any of its power and ability to speak and to transform our lives.
Do you believe that? Do you have faith in the power of His Word? Do you believe that His Word never returns to him void, but it always accomplishes what He intends it to?
Are you in His Word daily? Do you look into the Word with expectation, waiting for God to speak, to lead and transform you? We desperately need Him, now more than ever. And yet, so often, we find ourselves sidetracked by so many other (and usually unimportant) things.
Jesus said to Martha, “You are worried and upset about so many things, but few things are needed-or indeed only one” (Luke 10:41-42 NIV). We get distracted with the busyness of life, with keeping things organized, with social media, work and play and life in general. We easily become consumed with things that don’t really matter and forget the “One Thing” that matters the most.
We must have the same heart as Mary who said, “I’m sitting right here at Jesus’ feet and I’m not going to miss a thing He says.” We must become like David who prayed, “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:2 NIV) . David couldn’t wait to meet with His God! That was his greatest desire and I believe one of the primary reasons God called him a man after His own heart. David was obviously a man who made it a priority to be in God’s presence and to commune with His heart.
Does your soul thirst for God in the same way? Are you desperately hungry for His life-giving Word? Do you daily look to Him for your spiritual food and drink? Do you realize that unless you involve yourself in of Him and His word, your soul will shrivel and die?
Pray that we may become desperate once again. May we have a revelation of the power of His living and active Word and may we dive into all He has for us with anticipation and longing.
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